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Junction 12 are thankful to God for his faithful provision and answered prayers over the last 10 years.


Since starting in 2007 the project has grown in staffing levels, breadth of work and numbers of children and young people we support.


Much of this funding is sourced from various trust funds and grant-making bodies but it’s becoming increasingly important to expand our donor base of regular giving.


We would greatly appreciate it if you would consider contributing regularly, or as a one off, to the work of J12. 

bank Transfer

If you’d like to make a direct donation via bank transfer your payment should quote our bank details (given below) and should include your name as the donor. Please also notify us by email 

Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland

Name: Junction 12 Ltd
Sort Code: 83-52-00
Account Number: 00661402

Direct Debit

We are happy to receive regular gifts by Direct Debit. If you would like to give in this way you must set this up with your own bank and then notify us.


We are still happy to receive cheques, which should be made payable to Junction 12 and sent to 176 Smithycroft Road, Glasgow, G33 2RF

gift aid

If you qualify for Gift Aid, a Declaration Form can either be filled in online Junction 12 Online Gift Aid form or downloaded below to print, fill in and send back to us. Please send this  to and this can be applied to your gift.

Junction 12 Gift Aid form to download

Want to hear more about what's going on with Junction 12?

Sign up to our biannual newsletter here!


Junction 12 Youth Project

176 Smithycroft Road,


G33 2RF

Tel.: 0141 770 9028


Charity No: Sc037865     Company No: 314809

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